Mia Wennerstrand — PRAKSIS

Mia Wennerstrand

Mia Wennerstrand is an artist from Helsinki, Finland. Her works for the stage currently focus on Cold War histories and political rhetoric.

Image 1: Mia Wennerstrand at Mad House Helsinki, 2025. Photo: Elis Hannikainen

Image 2-4: From Mia Wennerstrand: Empty Stage (Helsinki City Theatre 2024). A solo performance that revolved around family, theatre, and empire through songs and improvised monologues. Photo by Eero Yli-Vakkuri

Image 5: NATO Diary, Alkovi Gallery 2023-2024
A one-year solo exhibition by Mia Wennerstrand.
New texts were added either as prints or written directly on the window throughout the year.

The project included memes for Alkovi’s Instagram account.

All images by Mia Wennerstrand

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