Residencies — PRAKSIS

PRAKSIS residencies bring diverse practitioners together to work on themes and questions of mutual interest. Residents become part of a mixed, temporary community: working, conversing, socialising and learning in a research-intensive, supportive, high-energy atmosphere.

Since 2016, PRAKSIS's thematic residencies have operated nomadically,  joining forces with longstanding and emergent partners. Each residency is open to Oslo-based, national and international applicants through open call: applications are welcomed from anyone with relevant experience and interest, irrespective of background, age or career stage.


How do I apply?

Each residency has an open call. Sign up for our newsletter or keep an eye on our social media and website to know when to apply. Each call out is announced via an information page which includes complete application guidelines.

How long are the residencies?
Lengths may vary but normally they last from one month.

Who can apply?
This varies depending on the nature of the residency, though most residencies are open to anyone with relevant interest and experience across discipline, career stage and background. We accept local, national and international participants.

How often does PRAKSIS hold residencies?
Since establishing PRAKSIS has convened three to four residencies each year. However this could be subject to change.

What does PRAKSIS provide?

Residencies are free of charge and involve a facilitated programme of visits, introductions, events, and other activity. Comfortable accommodation is provided for non-Oslo based residents in central Oslo. Locally based residents continue to live at their usual address. International applicants receive a stipend of 3000 NOK.

Can I apply to stay with PRAKSIS outside of the thematic residencies?

No, we rent accommodation for residents and are only able to host people through our residency programming.




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