Peer Support — PRAKSIS

PRAKSIS Development Forum (PDF) is a monthly peer-support group for creative people. A place to gain constructive feedback, it provides a friendly, informal hub for a diversity of practitioners to meet, share and discuss works-in-progress in a constructive setting.

PDF is free of charge and open to participants at all career stages. Sessions are held in English due to international setting.

PDF takes place at PRAKSIS HQ (Rådhusgata 19), at off-site locations (such as collaborating art spaces and artists’ studios), and online. Sessions usually begin with a short guest presentation by an invited contributor before opening up for other participants to share their practices.

Projects-in-development can shared be in a number of ways, for example; slideshows, showing physical works, readings, performances, or any means which suitably communicates ideas. A group projector and laptop is available to display digital files.

Upcoming PDF Sessions

Previous PDF Sessions

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