PRAKSIS Development Forum (PDF) Session 31 — PRAKSIS
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PRAKSIS Development Forum (PDF) Session 31


PRAKSIS Development Forum (PDF) is a monthly peer-discussion group for creative people. It provides a friendly, informal hub for a diversity of practitioners to meet, share and discuss works-in-progress.

PDF session 31 will be held online. Join to share your work in progress or current areas of interest, while also learning about other creative practices from across the world.

Book Your Place

There are 8 places for this session and booking is essential. If you are curious about PDF but don't necessarily want to show anything (yet) feel free to come and see what goes on.

To reserve a spot please email:

PDF Structure

Each participant has around 15 minutes to share their current artistic activity. PDF’s focus is on works and ideas in progress, so please do not present finished works or projects. The session will be limited to sharing work via your electronic device. Ways of sharing practice could include:

  • Screen sharing, which enables others to see slide shows or content directly from your laptop.

  • Present physical objects, performances or tours via the inbuilt camera on your device.

  • Lead a discussion or voice ideas, with or without a visual presentation.

More About PDF

PDF is a constructive monthly group session which provides space for artists, curators and writers to share and discuss their current practice. It is an opportunity to learn what other creatives are up to, speak about your own work and share perspectives. PDF is open to individuals at all career stages and values each participant’s contribution to the group.


PRAKSIS is a non-profit arts catalyst that develops interest, knowledge, confidence and careers. It fosters creative practice and knowledge production through collective activity and the exchange of ideas, skills and information. PRAKSIS seeks to establish dialogue between artists, thinkers and organisations locally and internationally, at all career stages, and across diverse cultures and disciplines.

Support PDF

PDF is partially funded by the Norwegian Arts Council. As with all of PRAKSIS’s activity we intend to keep it free and open to all. In order to help make this possible, we ask those who value PRAKSIS’s activity to consider supporting us via

© 2015-2021 PRAKSIS / Registered Organisation 915 733 417

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