Iga Śśćk — PRAKSIS

Iga Śśćk

Iga Śśćk stages anti-linear, iconoclastic collages made of meticulously layered errors and confused erotics. Their work usually takes the form of performances set within intricate installations where props, costumes, and sound constantly mutate in use and fidget with gender expressions. In various states of fuzziness, their practice remains invariably grounded in body movement. Their choreographic approach is driven by a desire to communicate through nonlinearity and incompleteness, believing in the insurgent potential of spasmatic attention within the dancing body.

They are a graduate of the Art Praxis MA program at the Dutch Art Institute. Iga has exhibited and performed at venues including Centrale Fies in Dro, Biquini Wax EPS in Mexico City, WHOISPOLA in Warsaw, New Fears in Berlin, Tanz im August Festival in Berlin, the National Museum in Szczecin, BWA Wrocław Główny, La Châtaigneraie Cwac in Liège, Hotdock in Bratislava, Alpha Nova in Berlin, and Radialsystem in Berlin.

Image 1: Iga Śśćk performing

Video: Photogenic Property Triplet - Video: Iga Śśćk, camera: Baha Görkem Yalım for the DAI

© 2015-2021 PRAKSIS / Registered Organisation 915 733 417

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