Lara Ögel — PRAKSIS

Lara Ögel


Lara Ögel (born in Izmir, 1987) is an artist based in Istanbul. In her practice she uses a variety of mediums from collage to video. Her works develop from individual and universal concerns and take form through subtle, emotional, site and context aware installations.

Recent solo shows include; İmtidad, Galata Greek School Open Library, Istanbul (2018), Come Back! All is Forgiven, Protocinema, Paris (2016), The Happy Average, Öktem&Aykut, Istanbul (2014). Selected group shows; Restless Monuments, Zilberman Gallery, Istanbul (2018), Driftwood, or how we surfaced through currents, Athens (2017), Past, in Each of its Moments be Citable, DEPO, Istanbul (2016).

Image 1: Come Back! All is Forgiven, Installation view, Protocinema, Paris, 2016
Image 2: baba!, installation view from Restless Monuments, Zilberman Gallery, Istanbul, 2018
Image 3, 4: houses were rooms, I had forgotten (variation II), Driftwood, or how we surface through currents, Athens, 2017

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