Kajsa Dahlberg — PRAKSIS

Kajsa Dahlberg


Kajsa Dahlberg is a visual artist living in Oslo. She received her MFA at the Art Academy in Malmö 1998-2003 and was a studio fellow at the Whitney Program in New York in 2007-08. Dahlberg’s work has been shown in solo exhibitions at the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Roskilde, Parra & Romero in Madrid, and Lunds Konsthall. Her contributions to museums and biennials include works for Moderna Museet Stockholm, Malmö Art Museum, 8 Bienal do Mercosul, Manifesta 8, and GIBCA 2019.

Dahlberg is currently undertaking a PhD at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm. This practice-based research is investigating film as an apparatus intertwined with nonhuman modes of life - specifically looking at the role of macro-algae in the history of photography. Hence, this research is engaged in thinking of (mechanical) reproduction as something that is not simply mechanical, nor exclusively the product of human decisions, but that is also, in part, the product of the activity of agents other than ourselves. Dahlberg further engages in the work of Danish playwright Ulla Ryum, exploring non-linear modes of storytelling as a way to decenter humanist perceptions of temporality. Here, the (camera)lens, rather than being the threshold between that which is registered and that which is not, becomes a device to engage a reciprocal relationship with the world.


Image 1: Installation shot from GIBCA, 2019.
Photographed by Hendrik Zeitler

Image 2: ‘The Spiral Dramaturgy’, 2019.
Film still.

Image 3: ‘Silent Spring’, 2022.
Film still, 16 mm film developed with macro-algae.

Image 4: ‘Silent Spring’, 2022.
Film still, 16 mm film developed with macro-algae.

© 2015-2021 PRAKSIS / Registered Organisation 915 733 417

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