Marte Aas — PRAKSIS

Marte Aas

Marte Aas (b. 1966, NO) is a photographer and filmmaker based in Oslo. Aas´ main area of interest is the intersection between contemporary image culture, history, technology and landscape. Her work attempts to address underlying structures and gestures that form political and ideological narratives. Different subjects of interest are realised in the form of films, photographs and installations, folding them into non-linear and layered narratives. Her work often starts from a contemporary or historical narrative. Research is processed through different formats and media, although the work always remains strongly grounded in the theory and material qualities of photographic practice.

Aas is educated at The School of Photography at The University of Gothenburg and has had a number of exhibitions and screenings in Norway and abroad. Her last major exhibition was Francine (was a machine) at Kunsthall Trondheim in 2019. Aas has published several books and catalogues including Marte Aas – Photography and Film, 2010, Torshovtoppen, 2008 and On the Subject of Body and Space, 2013 and is also one of the founding members of the independent publishing house Multipress.

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