Elise Hoebeke — PRAKSIS

Elise Hoebeke

Elise Hoebeke is a contemporary jewellery artist who holds a BA and Master in Visual Arts – Jewellery Context from Sint Lucas Antwerp, where she currently teaches on the BA of Jewellery Design and Silversmithing programme.

Before finding her way into contemporary jewellery, Elise obtained a BA of Interior Design at LUCA School of Arts Gent (BE). As a jewellery artist she is interested in a world where space, object and jewellery come together.

Image 1:1.     Baguette or Brick?, 2022, Print

Image 2: 1.     Transmutation d’une brique: quatrième phase - installation, 2022, Brick (cutting, filing, sanding), 180 x 85 x 50 mm

Image 3: 1.     Transmutation d’une brique: troisième phase précieuse, 2022. Collaboration with Studio DO Red gemstone (cutting, filing, sanding), 180 x 85 x 50 mm

Image 4: 1.     Left: Duplicate, 2023. Rock-crystal, cut into new shape,125x36x30mm, Right: Brick mould: bottom and top, 2023. Steel moulds with Delft clay, 220x110x30mm

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