Breanne Johnson — PRAKSIS

Breanne Johnson

Breanne Johnson is an artist and designer from the United States and Curaçao, who currently lives and works in Mexico City. She received her MFA in 3D Design from Cranbrook Academy of Art in 2023, and a BFA in Visual Art and Political Science from the University of Chicago in 2017. She was the recipient of the Pophouse Design Fellowship in 2022, has been an artist in residence at Haystack Open Studio Residency and Chop Wood Carry Water Residency, attended Ox-Bow School of Art, and is currently working as a fabricator and studio assistant for Taller Matos, while also conducting her own place-based contextual research.

Breanne’s work centers around social furniture, objects and design infrastructures that aid or facilitate lo-fi avenues of social connection. Her projects range from a café in the back of her pickup truck to apartment bars to a kitchen in a suitcase, alongside ritualized furniture items. She uses the tools and visual language of architecture and design to create artworks that try to reckon with and respond to dominant cultural or interpersonal assumptions and ways of living.

Image 1: Trailer Lab. Photo: PD Rearick.

Image 2: Variable Shade Structure

Image 3: Pickup Café

Image 4: Suitcase Kitchen

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