Nina Torp — PRAKSIS

Nina Torp


Through observation, research and interpretation of historical material, Nina Torp examines how our gaze creates and communicates culture and memories. A key issue in her work is how the past exists/takes place in the present time, and how it is communicated and used through history. The starting point for her projects is often a cultural artifact, an art historical subject or a cultural phenomenon. She presents projects in large installations consisting of prints on fibre-board, video, objects, photographic series and wallpaper.

Nina Torp is educated at the Royal College of Art in London, Kent Institute of Art & Design in Maidstone and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Toulouse. She has exhibited in galleries and museums in Norway, UK, The Netherlands, Iceland, Japan and Germany. From 2015 until 2018 she is collaborating with archaeologists and scientists at the Museum of Cultural History in Oslo where she examines mechanisms for how cultural history is written.

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