Milenasong — PRAKSIS



As a former student of art & sound, it felt only natural for Milenasong to start painting with musical layering. Ten years ago she released her debut album, SEVEN SISTERS on Gudrun Gut's label Monika Enterprise in Germany.

Touring and meeting interesting artists from all corners greatly enriched her perspectives and process and in interviews she liked to say how much she wanted to break open rules in song-making. Motherhood and ill health temporarily rerouted her focus and her steps have been slower since. Since 2011 she has been working on her next album, started in London, with finishing touches added at Bauteil3 in Berlin, she is developing the end-mix herself in Oslo in 2017. It is a work on shadow-walk and transformation, the things that cannot be controlled, yet ultimately will find its resolution/dissolving in time.

Milenasong also works with illustration, currently fine lining for the newspaper Ny Tid and working on experimental audiobooks for Cappelen Damm/Storytel. Her current waves: Allowing things to be what they are, cooperating with given health, talents and the likeminded, for possibilities to take shape.

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