Belić, Westerlund and Müller — PRAKSIS

Belić, Westerlund and Müller


Working collectivly Belić, Westerlund and Müller work with structures of relationships and varying forms of acts of imitation. They develop performative works through a process of learning from internet sources. 

Maria Gordana Belić received her BA in Fine Arts from Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Norway and her MA degree in Fine Arts from Valand Academy of Gothenburg, Sweden. Her practice uses inter-biographical stories, meetings or events which become magnetic mantras, where companions, nervous technique or collaborations modify the narrative. Things are repeated, looped and multiplied through various formats. She is fascinated by structures around support and what it means to struggle with personal problems in pubic.

Per Westerlund works with animation depicting sensational bliss using Windows Paint. While the angular shapes of the medium resist painterliness he uses the movement of the images and coloring to create impassioned effects. Recurring motives include naked skin, wind and sun light, and images sometimes paraphrase stereotypes from the romantic era. The rhythmic feature of the animations has recently led him to work with music videos. He graduated from Oslo Academy of Fine Art in 2013.

Daniela Müller studied Media Arts at the Zurich University of the Arts and Fine Arts at the Academy of the Arts in Oslo, Norway, completing her MA in Fine Arts at the Zurich University of the Arts in 2013. From 2012-15 she curated the ad-hoc gallery “One Night Only Zurich”. Müller's practice employs acts of appropriation to examine the purposeful conditions of language. She copies, loops and recontextualises mundane material, such as commercial signs, leaked pictures, spam mails and prophecies, leading toe moving images, installations and collaborations.

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