Anna Sofie Mathiasen — PRAKSIS

Anna Sofie Mathiasen


Anna Sofie Mathiasen (b. 1995, Copenhagen) lives and works in Oslo. She holds a BFA from the Academy of Fine Art, Oslo (2018), where she will complete her master studies in 2020. Working with mixed media installations, writing, analogue and digital, photography, film and animation, she investigates and mediates archives, which she collects and assembles from her surroundings and personal sphere.

By processing and presenting the material continuously using a variety of methods Mathiasenn produces images and narratives that explore different ideas and relations she has about, and with, the material. Mathiasen has exhibited at RAM Galleri, Akershus Kunstsenter, and Akademirommet.

Image 1, 2: Exhibition at RAM Galleri; Vi mødes i mørket og giver hånd, 2018.
Photos by Istvan Virag

Image 3, 4: Stills from film Excavation, 2018. Cinematographer Vegard Landsverk

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