Anaclara Talento — PRAKSIS

Anaclara Talento


Anaclara Talento is an visual artist, researcher, teacher. She has a bachelor and Master of Arts – Plastic and Visual Arts (Uruguayan University of the Republic – UdelaR. National School of Fine Arts Institute – IENBA, 2007 – 2013) and a Master in Fine Arts (MFA) (Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU. Trondheim Academy of Fine Arts – KiT, 2017 – 2019). Talento is a Member of Uruguay’s Contemporary Art Foundation (FAC) since 2007, the Artistic Research Society (SAR) since 2017, Norske Billedkunstnere since 2018 and Unge Kunstneres Samfund since 2019. 

Talento’s work revolves around five main projects: EMH: An Essay on Motherland History (2009 – 2015), Pink Mist (2013 – 2015), Letters to Sebastian, a memory rehearsal: (re) script – (re) stage – (re) enact (2014 – 2021), Love in another language (2019 – 2022) and the Latin American Office of Contemporary Art and Political Subversion (OLAC SP) (2020 – 2025).

Her work is part of private collections in Argentina, Norway, the USA, and Uruguay. She has exhibited individually for the Spanish Cultural Center (CCE Montevideo, Uruguay), at the Engelman – Ost Collection (Montevideo, Uruguay), at Galleri KiT (Trondheim, Norway) and at Galleri Blunk (Trondheim, Norway), and has participated in collective shows in Uruguay, Latin America, Norway, Germany, Argentina, France, USA, Spain, among others.

She has published a book titled Niebla Rosada (Pink Mist), a collection of narratives. (First edition: November 2013, Gatoblanco publishing house) and several papers and thesis in Uruguay and Norway. Talento lives and works in Trondheim, Norway.

Image 1: Emotions without limit vol 1, audio set recorded with Google Translator / female voice in Spanish. Sent through WhatsApp to a random database. Montevideo, Uruguay (2019)

Image 2: The conquest of you, Installation / site-specific, Trondheim Kunstmuseum Gråmølna, Trondheim, Norway (2019)

Image 3: The things that were and the things that were almost, Performatic action, shown at Performance Fest, Galleri KiT, Trondheim, Norway (2017). Curated by Chris Hansen (Norway). Shown at Performance Cycle, CME Subte, Uruguay (2018). Curated by Rulfo Alvarez (Uruguay). Second Acquisition Prize at 49 Montevideo Visual Arts Award, CME Subte, Uruguay (2019). Jury: Valeria González (Argentina), Fernando Gaspar (Chile) and Enrique Badaró (Uruguay)

Image 4: Nice, clever and devastating, Installation / site-specific, shown at Switch, Galleri KiT, Trondheim, Norway (2018)

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