Harriet Foyster (b. 1992, UK) is an artist and writer based in Amsterdam, NL. She gained her BA in Fine Art from Chelsea College of Arts, London, in 2015, where she was also the recipient of the Acme Studio Award. She received her MA in Critical Studies at the Sandberg Instituut, Amsterdam, in 2019.
Harriet’s practice is strongly rooted in research revolving broadly around ways that material circumstance and ideology converge to construct, reinforce and perpetuate behavioural patterns that strengthen the neoliberal agenda, and how the logics of private property are central to contemporary subjectivity production.
Her works and texts have been shared at PEER, London; fanfare; Amsterdam, Jupiter Woods, London; De Appel, Amsterdam; the 26th Biennial of Design, Ljubljana, and Ambit Magazine, among others.