Isfrid Angard Siljehaug — PRAKSIS

Isfrid Angard Siljehaug


Isfrid Angard Siljehaug graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in 2010 and from Mater Artistic Research at the Royal Academy in the Hauge in 2012. Through her work she researches art history looking for images that reoccur through the ages, which could offer clues to perspectives important for the future. She explores the integration of art and artistic thought in daily life — especially through historic cultural developments and often using textile and text.

Angard Siljehaug's work can be described as an interlacing of text and textile where she stitches, prints and draws images and words on textiles or draws directly on the wall. Working with textile as curtains, wall-hangings, carpets, tent and clothes, her work reside in the space between the surface of the body and the interior of our dwellings. Her practice includes performance, workshops and collaborations with various artists, architects and designers. Isfrid has exhibited her work in Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Austria and the Netherlands including 'Shifting Spaces' at the W139 Amsterdam (2016) and 'A Supernova' at the Hortus of VU Amsterdam (2015).

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