Edwin Cabascango — PRAKSIS

Edwin Cabascango


Edwin Cabascango (EC/NO) - professional dancers based in Oslo. He started dancing in Quito, Ecuador at the contemporary dance school Frente De Danza Independiente (FDI) dance school and Metrodanza dance school, Ballet Nacional del Ecuador (BNE), as well as with different ensembles practicing modern and contemporary dance. Later he continued his dance studies at The Norwegian College of Dance (NDH) and also studied performing arts and movement at The University College of Eurythmy in Oslo.

After finishing his education, Cabascango performed in Gullhanen with the Sean Curran dance company in the Bergen National Opera. He has attended workshops by Tom Weksler, Linda Kapetanea and Jozef Frucek, Ultima Vez, Sidi Larbi Cherakoi, Cullberg Ballet, Physical Momentum Project, Martin Kilvady, Akram Khan and others. He has worked with artists including Terry Araujo, Eddie Borgues Lopez, Ingrid Midgard Fiksdal, Marianne Kjærsund, Monica Emilie Herstad and Sean Curran among others.

In 2014 he choreographed and performed Green Tea in both Oslo and Trondheim. The same year he started developing his Texture and movement system, which he has presented at Contemporary Dance Workshop at The National M.K. Ciurlionis School of Art, Vilnius Contact Improvisation Festival (Lithuania) and Oslo Kontakt Impro. He has been practicing different somatic movements and martial arts since 2004.

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