Annike Flo — PRAKSIS

Annike Flo


Annike Flo works cross-disciplinary between art, scenography and costume. Her practice looks into producing work based around our relationship to other beings, giving up space, and decentering the human. Her projects are often inspired by research, materials and methods from both the humanities and life sciences and she often collaborates with researchers and practitioners from other fields such as biology and ecology.

Annike has recently exhibited at Galleri Format, Meta.Morf and Atelier Nord, and ran Norwegian BioArt Arena, a new project by Vitenparken Ås, from 2018 to 2021. As a scenographer and costume designer she has worked with Punch Drunk, Secret Cinema, Another and Love magazines, MiuMiu and more. Annike holds a MA in scenography at Norwegian Theatre Academy, and a BA in Costume for Performance at London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London.


Images 1, 2: ‘Cocreat:e:ures’, 2018. Scenographic piece, at Vitenparken Ås. Photographed by Annike Flo

Image 3: ‘s h i f t’, 2020. Detail, FAEN group exhibition at gallery Kit. Part of the Meta.Morf festival, Trondheim.

© 2015-2021 PRAKSIS / Registered Organisation 915 733 417

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