alex cruse — PRAKSIS

alex cruse


alex cruse is an interdisciplinary artist and writer based in Oakland, California. Since 2016 she has worked as gallery curator within Artists' Television Access, which received an Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts grant in 2019.

With Kevin CK Lo, cruse performs as DROUGHT SPA, a multimedia and performance vehicle for technocapitalist critique. They have performed across the U.S. and world. cruse is the author of CONTRAVERSE (Timeless, Infinite Light, 2017) and ZERO ENERGY EXPERIMENTAL PILE (Compline, 2020). Other writing may be found in Social Text, ARMED CELL, AMERARCANA, SFMOMA Open Space, CLOG Journal, bæst: a journal of queer forms & affects, Elderly, Tripwire (forthcoming), and elsewhere.

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