Sophia Efstathiou — PRAKSIS

Sophia Efstathiou


Sophia Efstathiou is a philosopher of science working on the interfaces of science, art and everyday life. She is a senior researcher at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) currently leading the Research Council of Norway project MEATigation: Towards sustainable meat-use in Norwegian food practices for climate mitigation (2020-2024). Efstathiou holds a Master of Physics degree in Mathematics and Physics (Warwick, 2000), an MA in Philosophy (UCSD, 2006) and PhD in Philosophy and Science Studies (UCSD, 2009) on The use of race as a variable in biomedical research. Her research has received EU, NSF, Max Planck and White funding and invited by the Athens Biennale (2012, 2018), Ars Electronica (2020) and Cornell Biennial (2020).

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