Hana Yoo is interested in investigating the collective anxiety and transcendental experiences, formulated from the natural-artificial process of reversing perspective. Working in film and multimedia installation, she engages with the allegory of nature and technological appropriation in the context of human-environment transformation and reconstructs them through storytelling.
Yoo studied Media Art at the Berlin University of Arts and her previous grant awards include a film/video work grant from the Berlin Senate, work grant from the Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture, research grants from the Kunstfonds Bonn, Berlin Senate (Visual Arts), Stiftung Kulturwerk, and Arts Council Korea. Her works have been shown internationally at museums and festivals including the Fotomuseum (Winterthur, CH), European Media Art Festival (EMAF, DE), and Busan International Video Art Festival (Busan, KR) among others. In 2022, she was awarded the Berlin Art Prize.
Image 1: Installation view / Hysteric C, solo show, Diskurs Berlin, 2020
Image 2: Splendour in the grass, 2020, still
Image 3: Installation view/ Chambers, solo show, Post territory Ujeongguk, 2021 / Photo: Byeonggon Shin
Image 4: Arbitrary Radius Circle, still, 2021