Taking Hold – The Double Bridge will explore and question the ways that solidarity, competition and antagonism find physical expression in social relationships. Performance for camera will be used as a means to test the unspoken rules of public bodily contact: for instance, in greetings, dancing, or contact sports. The residency has been developed with Phoebe Davies and Kunstnernes Hus.
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PRAKSIS and Fellesverkstedet are pleased to invite German sculptor Gereon Krebber to develop a residency focusing on an ambitious large scale work as a means to facilitate conversations on monumentality and ephemerality, improvisation and scale; the protocols of sculpture, art and cultural manifestations in the public realm.
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Residents will have the rare opportunity to explore the potential of Guttormsgaard's Archive - the extensive and eclectic archive of the artist Guttorm Guttormsgaard. Working alongside curator Elvira Dyangani Ose, the group will investigate the potential of the archive as a starting point for narrative – potentially both historical and fictional.
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During this residency Benjamin Lignel will work alongside a group of locally and internationally based residents selected through open call to collectively explore ways of making oral (hi)stories and (her)stories publicly available, through the creation of physical and digital platforms for sharing knowledge. The residency is held in collaboration with Norwegian Crafts.
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