PRAKSIS participating in BOA's Salon 8 — PRAKSIS

PRAKSIS participating in BOA's Salon 8



BOA — Billedkunstnerne i Oslo og Akershus
3 May 2016

If one imagines the art world as a physical building, how does it appear? What condition is it in, externally and internally? What is there and what is missing? What weaknesses does it have, what gaps should be filled?

PRAKSIS's Nicholas John Jones will join; Yngvild Færøy (Kunstnernes Hus), Marianne Zamecznik, (Oslo Open), Helen Eriksen (Tenthaus) and Morten Gran (BOA) to discuss the state and future of the arts in the Oslo region. In particular the debate will take on ways in which physical and organizational structures support professional art production in the Oslo region, considering current strengths and weaknesses, and ways in which this support can be further developed.


BOA is a regional organisation that works to safeguard artists' professional, economic, ideal and social interests in Oslo and Akershus.


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