Online Event // Meet the residents of Climata — PRAKSIS
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Online Event // Meet the residents of Climata

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Join the participants of Residency 17, Climata: Capturing Change at a Time of Ecological Crisis, as they introduce their work online, followed by questions and discussion.

Under the impact of COVID-19, PRAKSIS is revising residency and events formats and evolving new ways to meet the goals and expectations of participants and audiences. Climata aims to explore acoustic ecology, bio-acoustics and soundscapes. It asks what can sound tell us about how the world is changing? How does sound impact bio-diversity? And how might change be represented to instigate meaningful change? Despite the enforced distance between residency participants, we intend to keep to this agenda and invite you to join us for an evening of presentations and conversation.

The talks will take place via the Zoom communication platform. The meeting space will be online from a little before 18.00. Please click here to join.

Climata runs from 30 April until 17 October 2020. It has been developed with Lasse-Marc Riek and the Goethe Institut and is held in collaboration with Norsk Teknisk Mueum and Notam. The residents participating alongside Riek are Teju Adisa-Farrar (US), Siri Austeen (NO), Sarah Kazmi (PK), Margrethe Iren Pettersen (NO), Elly Stormer Vadseth (NO), Gustavo Valdivia (PE), Geraldine Vanspauwen (BE) and Maria Wang Kvalheim (NO)

PRAKSIS would like to thank Goethe Institut, Oslo Kommune and Norske Kulturradet for their support of the residency and its events. For more information about the residency please click here.

Earlier Event: April 22
PDF Session 12 - ONLINE

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