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PDF Session 12 - ONLINE

PDF- Session 12 - Image.jpg

What have you been working on while self-isolating? How has your practice been affected by the Covid-19 crisis? Do you miss studio conversations, informal critique, gallery chats and professional updates?

Responding to social distancing measures, PRAKSIS Development Forum (PDF) session 12 will take place online for the first time on Wednesday 22th April at 14.00 CET.

Come and join PDF’s online video conference group to discuss recent experiences, share your works in progress and probe current areas of interest for artists and cultural practitioners.

Thanks to the new online setting, this will be an exciting opportunity for a global community to join or listen in to PDF’s supportive critique and discussion.

PDF is free to join and conducted in English.


Eight places are available in this session and booking is essential. It will be conducted through Zoom video conferencing and is open to artists and others anywhere in the world.

To reserve a place please email: office@praksisoslo.org with the email header: PDF FAO Sayed Hasan. Sayed will respond with the Zoom link and answer any questions.


Each participant has around 15 minutes to share their current artistic activity. PDF’s focus is on works and ideas in progress, so please do not present finished works or projects. The session will be limited to sharing work via your electronic device. Ways of sharing practice could include:

  • Screen sharing, which enables others to see slide shows or content directly from your laptop.

  • A show and tell method, where physical objects, performances or tours can be presented via the inbuilt camera on your device.

  • Lead a discussion or voice ideas, with or without a visual presentation.


PDF is a monthly peer support group for the creative community of Oslo. It provides an informal, constructive space for artists, curators and writers to discuss their current practice. It is an opportunity to learn what other creatives are up to, speak about your own work and share perspectives. PDF is open to individuals at all career stages and values each participant’s contribution to the group.

Earlier Event: March 25
Online Event // Mouth Things

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