CHANGE - The PTAB art festival — PRAKSIS
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CHANGE - The PTAB art festival

  • PRAKSIS 19 Rådhusgata Oslo, 0158 Norway (map)
Skjermbilde 2020-08-26 kl. 20.19.27 (1).png

Free entrance. Open to all at the following times
Friday 11 Sept. 17.00-20.00 CEST
Saturday 12 Sept. 12.00-16.00 CEST
Sunday 13 Sept. 12.00-16.00 CEST

What change is important? What might change mean?
The nine young adults who have pioneered PRAKSIS’s Teen Advisory Board over the last year present an interactive art festival exploring ideas about change. This diverse programme uses mediums including photography, drawing, text, sculpture, video and installation to address areas including; mental health, generational shift, racism, cultural monuments, technology, beauty ideals, and personal change. At the festival you can participate in workshops, lectures and interactive installations.

Organised by PRAKSIS Teen Advisory Board (PTAB) 2020:
Zeinab Al-khatib, Idil Mahamed Hassan, Wattana Meethong, Xueqin Elina Pang, Kawsica Rashasingham, Julie Sand, Hannah Røsholt Siger, Kornelia Eline Skogseth, Maroa el Youssef

Schedule // Performances and Workshops

Friday 11 September (open 17-20)
17:30 - 17:40 Welcome address
18:30 - 20:00 Performance with Kawsica and psychologist Kjetil Rønningen

Saturday 12 September (open 12-16)
13 - 16 Drop-in workshop with Zeinab Al-khatib and Idil Mahamed Hassan

Sunday 13 September (open 12-16)
12-14 Lecture, screening and conversation with film producer and feminist Nina Barbosa Blad
15.00-16.00 Meet the members of PTAB

Follow PTAB on Instagram here.

ABOUT PRAKSIS Teen Advisory Board (PTAB)

PTAB 2020 is made up of nine young adults from seven different districts across Oslo. Meeting monthly over the last year they have engaged with the art field, having inspirational meetings with artists including Maria Pasenau at Fotogalleriet, Shwan Dler Qaradaki at Interkulturelt Museum, Sayed Sattar Hasan at PRAKSIS and Interkulturelt Museum, Hamid Waheed and Syowia Kyambi at PRAKSIS. More information here.

On 11 September BOA is hosting the exhibition project 'Oslo City' in the same building from 19.00.

This event is supported by Kulturrådet, Oslo Kommune and Fri Fond.

Image: Wattana Meethong with Xueqin Elina Pang, Hannah Røsholt Siger, Anton Benois, and Nicholas John Jones

© 2015-2021 PRAKSIS / Registered Organisation 915 733 417

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