Sharing is Caring: Outcomes from residency 14 — PRAKSIS
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Sharing is Caring: Outcomes from residency 14

  • PRAKSIS 19 Rådhusgata Oslo, 0158 Norway (map)

Sharing is caring
Outcomes from residency 14

Warm welcome to the public sharing of PRAKSIS' 14th residency: Now That's What I Call an Artist Residency! This one-month long residency was formulated by art critic and PRAKSIS co-founder Rachel Withers, who challenged applicants to propose the most ingenious, original and practical month-long work plan they could cook up, as a way to support Wither’s own research into the phenomenon of artist residencies.

Sharing is caring is an informal event that brings together works in progress and short presentations of the six residents' research during their time in Oslo. The residents are: Anton Benois (AU), Olivia Berkowicz (SE), Morgane Clément-Gagnon (CA), Beatrice Lopez (NO), Magnus Tomt (NO) and Rachel Withers (UK).

Between 19.00 - 20.00 residents will briefly introduce what they are presenting.

Anton Benois is an Australian(?) artist hoping to be based in Oslo (if anyone has any rooms to rent, please let him know), having recently completed his MFA at Kunstakademiet i Trondheim. His work explores themes of provenance and dispossession, the ritualisation of the everyday and the globality of dissociative flows. His work 'Distant Relatives' will be shown as part of Statens Kunstutstilling Høstutstillingen 2019 in Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo.

Olivia Berkowicz is a curator and editor based in Stockholm. She works at the intersection of critical visuality studies, contemporary art theory and psychoanalysis.  Her previous studies include an MA in Curatorial Studies and a BA in History of Art, at Stockholm University and Goldsmiths College, University of London respectively. 

Morgane Clément-Gagnon is a Canadian artist and photographer based in Montreal. Drawing inspiration from her background as a philosophy academic and professor, her work explores the uncanny within a Nordic context through optics, modified cameras and colour study. 

Beatrice Lopez is an Oslo based artist, she holds a BA from Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milan including an exchange at the Pratt Institute, New York. Her practice uses ceremonial qualities within painting, installation and land-based works to explore intuition as a means to reconnect human nature with the environment in a world increasingly consumed by technology.

Magnus Tomt is currently undertaking his BFA at Tromsø Academy of Contemporary Art. His current work uses appropriation to address the indecisiveness of contemporary art. His current preoccupation is in investigating the position of contemporary painting in relation to questions of progress, value and autonomy.

Rachel Withers is an art critic, executive member of AICA UK and Reader in Art Writing at Bath School of Art and Design, Bath Spa University, as well as co-founder of PRAKSIS.

PRAKSIS would like to thank its neighbour organisation, BOA (Billedkunstnerne i Oslo og Akershus) for making their gallery space available for this event. BOA is an artists union that works to safeguard the professional, financial, ideal and social interests of artists working in the Oslo and Akershus region of Norway.

© 2015-2021 PRAKSIS / Registered Organisation 915 733 417

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