PDF Session 1 with Maren Dagny Juell — PRAKSIS
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PDF Session 1 with Maren Dagny Juell

  • PRAKSIS Rådhusgata 19 0158 Oslo (map)

Still from Maren Dagny Juell’s current video work, Tutorial#13: JOY

PRAKSIS Development Forum – PDF for short – is a new, monthly peer-support group for artists, curators and arts writers.  Reflecting PRAKSIS’s commitment to fostering creative development through shared experience, PDF will provide a hub for a diversity of practitioners to meet, share and discuss works in progress.

PDF sessions will take place from 17:30 – 20:00 on the second Wednesday of each month. There are 8 Places per session so booking is essential. Please write to office@praksisoslo.org attention of Sayed Hasan to book a place.

The programme is open to participants at all career stages. It offers the opportunity to:

  • Present current ideas and develop projects in a supportive, constructively critical environment.

  • Gain insight into other artistic practices.

  • Benefit from constructive feedback from fellow creatives.

  • Become part of an artistic community.

  • Exchange knowledge and professional experience.

We warmly invite you take part in an active, imaginative and productive multi-way discussion: sharing your ideas, working processes and problem-solving strategies; supporting, probing and critiquing; listening and learning from others. Please note that booking is essential: details are above.

PDF will take place at PRAKSIS HQ at Rådhusgata 19, with practising artist Sayed Sattar Hasan in the role of chair. Meetings last 2.5 hours, allowing twenty minutes’ focus on each participant’s work-in-progress. Sessions will start with a short ‘keynote’ guest contribution to help set an agenda and identify subjects of mutual interest to the group.

The first guest contribution will be by artist Maren Dagny Juell, who will present a current project for discussion. Juell works with a combination of moving image and installation/sculpture, and is concerned with the negotiation of the physical and digital world through mediums such as the body and virtual reality. For further information on Maren Dagny Juell’s practice please click here to visit her website.

Participants are encouraged to bring work in development. There is space to accommodate physical works and relevant materials (though please check in advance re. access arrangements and maximum dimensions). Digital works or documentation can be shown on laptops or the group projector (please bring material on a USB memory stick). Readings and performances are encouraged, though participants need to keep time constraints in mind. Chair Sayed Sattar Hasan will ensure that time is allocated fairly to all participants.

Refreshments will be provided.

© 2015-2021 PRAKSIS / Registered Organisation 915 733 417

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