PDF Session 8 with Marianne Hultman — PRAKSIS
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PDF Session 8 with Marianne Hultman

  • Oslo Kunstforening 19 Rådhusgata Oslo, 0158 Norway (map)
Session 8 - Image -Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam, The Shadow Circus, The CIA in Tibet, 1998 revised 2019.png

Still image of the Himalayas from Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam’s film
The Shadow Circus: The CIA in Tibet, revised version, 2019.


PDF session 8 takes place at Oslo Kunstforening (OK), welcoming its director, Marianne Hultman to open the round table sharing event.

Marianne discuss her role as curator of the exhibition ‘The Past Is Present’ which is on-show until 21 December at Mumbai Art Room, India. The exhibition presents the works of seven artists whose personal narratives are connected by the mutual ground of the Himalayas. ‘The Past Is Present’ is the first step towards a larger exhibition on Tibetan-Norwegian cultural exchange scheduled for 2021, which will be presented at OK and Trondheim Art Museum.

After Marianne’s presentation the table will open up for all participants to share their own work in progress or ideas. Each participant will have approximately 20 minutes to focus on their own artistic activity. It is important to note that PDF is for discuss the in between space of practice and not about presenting finished works.

Projects in development can be shared in a number of ways, for example; showing physical works, slideshows, readings, performances, or any means which suitably communicates ideas. A projector and laptop is available for the group to use throughout the session.

The PRAKSIS Development Forum (PDF) is a monthly peer-support group for the creative community of Oslo facilitated by artist Sayed Sattar Hasan. It provides a friendly, informal space for a diversity of practitioners to meet, share and discuss works in progress in a constructive setting. It’s an opportunity to learn about what other creatives are up to and hear differing perspectives on how to approach practice. PDF is open to individuals at all career stages and values each participant’s contribution to the group.

Spaces on PDF is limited so please RSVP your place by emailing: office@praksisoslo.org for the attention of Sayed Hasan.

Refreshments will be provided.

Earlier Event: November 12
Commonplaces and Entanglements
Later Event: November 14
Carrying Histories: Public Sharing

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