Before joining PTAB, I felt out of touch with anything that has to do with art, and usually ignored it, seeing it as different to me. I have learned that art has a place for everyone - you don't need to be a creative person, anyone can be a part of art somewhere.
- Sumaya (PTAB 2021)

PRAKSIS Teen Advisory Board (PTAB) aims to strengthen the next generation of cultural workers and support institutions in creating spaces that inspire young people.

Supported by


About PTAB

Open to young creative people and organisers between 16-21 years from all over Oslo, PTAB offers the opportunity to develop experiences, establish knowledge and networks within the cultural industry. Participants contribute to long-term value creation within Oslo city's cultural field by providing constructive feedback to institutions they come into contact with. The program looks to inspire, strengthen and engage its participants to create their own space within the field.

PTAB offers eight to ten paid board positions for young adults. The program works with a committed group who bring with them a variety of backgrounds and life experiences. PTAB is an important part of PRAKSIS, actively evaluating, reflecting on and participating in the organisation's development. Together they visit art institutions, cultural actors and artists; and attend workshops and other activities that enable exploration, discussion and reflection on art and culture in Oslo. The group meets monthly on a fixed Saturday and occasionally on other arranged dates.

The PTAB programme works closely with Index Teen Advisory Board, Stockholm and Publics Youth Advisory Board, Helsinki. It is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Ungdom programme of the European Union, Kulturtanken, Kulturrådet and Sparebankstiftelsen DNB. PTAB works with artist Marit Silsand and the PRAKSIS team.

Follow PTAB’s Instagram @praksistab to see the programme unfold.


2023-2024 Reaching Out
Seeking fresh ways for institutions to share

2021-2023 In Character
Looking at characters encountered in the arts

2019-2022 Change
Changing the art world. Changing society.

Printing thoughts and ideas

Talking art - from young perspectives


© 2015-2021 PRAKSIS / Registered Organisation 915 733 417

Partially funded by: